Thursday, July 9, 2020

Social Media Documentary Camp Is Here!!!!

Social media is the place where a lot of young people want to expose themselves and speak their mind. Taking into an account the fact that throughout film and video that you can post on social media you can express yourself but also listen to the opinion of other people about the same issue, we created the social media documentary camp that would satisfy your desire to learn more about social media documentaries.
The camp is meant for teenagers at the age between 12 and 17. It is taking place from the 20th of July until the 31st, 2020 from 9am until 12 pm.  The goal of this camp is to enable young filmmakers to contribute to their interest to learn how to produce and direct a Micro Documentary project that they will be able to distribute on Social Media. The camp will be held online and the presentation is live and interactive. The instructors are award-winning filmmakers who will teach you in a fun and creative way plus they will participate in hands-on production learning without ever having to leave their homes. There will also be collaboration from other young Filmmakers across the world during the pre- production stages of their micro docs. The nature of the course makes it appropriate for young filmmakers of all levels.
This is a great opportunity for young people to develop film making skills from the comfort of their homes and to learn from the best. Let’s enjoy the summer and do creative and useful things!
In order to register for the camp you should fill in an application form which can be found on our website . For any questions and inquires feel free to contact us via email or phone (310) 226-844.
We are looking forward to an amazing social media documentary experience together!

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