Monday, December 28, 2020
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
December: Film Screening Party of the film, "Edward Scissorhands"
Join us for a Exciting” Film Screening Party of the film, "Edward Scissorhands"
This fun opportunity will allow, youth to have a moment to laugh, screen the film, have a small discussion about the film during and afterwards, plus to win (Trivia Prizes about the film and filmmaking). Our screening will be on Saturday, December 19, 2020 from 11:00am-2:00pm,(PT)/2:00pm-5:00pm(ET) ages 12-17. Following the screening, there will be prizes given for our Film Trivia.
Note: Once you are registered, you will be emailed a link to join us on Saturday.
Film Summary:A scientist builds an animated human being -- the gentle Edward. The scientist dies before he can finish assembling Edward, though, leaving the young man with a freakish appearance accentuated by the scissor blades he has instead of hands. Loving suburban saleswoman Peg discovers Edward and takes him home, where he falls for Peg's teen daughter. However, despite his kindness and artistic talent, Edward's hands make him an outcast.
Past film screenings include: The Princess and the Frog, Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library, April and the Extraordinary World, and Hugo just to name a few.
Sunday, November 29, 2020
December Film Workshop Is Here!
Our November Film Workshop is Here!!!!!!!! This month's Break With A Pro, will be: Film and Television Screenwriters. The workshop is Saturday, December 12, 10:00am-12:00pm. To attend you can sign-up here:
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
November Film Screening: Hunt for the Wilderpeople
If you are interested in attending our Film Screening this Saturday of the Film: Hunt For The Wilderpeople, email the foundation. Following the screening there will be a special message from the Actors.....
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
From Film Student to Editor of You: Spotlight of one of our Speakers From Our Online-Screen Workshop
From Film Student to Editor of You
By: Hana Tariku, Blog Manager
From Film Student to Editor of You
Rita Sanders, editor of the TV show You, joined one of the Barbara Senior Harkins Foundation’s film screenings last month. She came along with other film editors and directors to share their knowledge on the craft and industry with prospective film students.
After the screening Sanders spent her time to indulge me on her work with You and to give advice to film students based on her past experiences.
When discussing You, Sanders stressed how important it was to make sure Joe Goldberg, the main character, stayed true to the character he was meant to be while being considerate of others and not commending his stalking behavior. Especially since the show was released during the Harvey Weinstein allegations and the Me Too movement.
“The first season of You was all about trying to figure out in the edit how to really balance the line between not glorifying violence against women with making this character relatable enough that you wanted to keep watching,” exclaimed Sanders.
Sanders went on to explain the editing process and how it played a role in achieving this goal. “Generally we have three editors, three assistant editors and we do every third episode. There was a lot of collaboration between the editors looking at each other's cuts and talking about the problems,” explained Sanders.
Sanders and her fellow crew were concerned of displaying the wrong image, since Goldberg is a sociopath that stalks and kills women, so plenty of time was spent rewriting the voiceovers and being conscious about highlighting the women who were victimized in the show as humans and not objects.
Sanders had much to say about her work with You and the editing she had learned and performed while working on the show, but she also gave tips on editing in general. “ The best editing is the editing you don’t notice, our job is to hide the editing as much as possible,” said Sanders.
Along with knowing how to mask your editing, Sanders explained the importance of matching your editing with the storyline as to make it stronger.
While working on You, she developed this skill because with a story as wild as Joe’s, the male antagonist, comic relief is needed in the editing by cutting it tighter and adding other comic features. But when Sanders edited the episode from Beck’s, the female protagonist, point of view she was inclined to cut it more loosely and less comically, giving her and the writers more space to tell Beck’s story.
Moving on from the cutting and clipping part of the editing process, Sanders shares how she felt after the release of the first season of You.
“For the first season of You I thought we were going to get creamed in the reviews, I thought we were making this incredibly unfeminist show...then we finished the season and I watched it and I was like ohh this is the most subversely feminist show I’ve ever seen,” exclaimed Sanders.
Sanders' own work ended up surprising her when the show was all done. During the process her emotions took hold of her and blocked the bigger picture of this production. But she was able to see the beauty of her work in the end.
Sanders began as an aspiring film editor and was able to flourish into the amazing editor she is today. Beyond being able to cut a show well, Sanders made it to this point because she was not afraid of throwing herself headfirst into the film industry. She advises for anyone looking to enter this industry to not be picky with the jobs they are offered. Even if you have your mind set on being a director, if you have the chance to take an editing gig, and are properly skilled for it, then take it! This could be your breakthrough into the industry, another job on your resume, or just a great experience; either way, it’s something you won’t regret.
Monday, November 2, 2020
November Film Workshop: Topic Jobs In Animation
Since this is a Lunch Workshop, it is fine if you would like to eat your lunch. Lunch Vouchers will be provided to the first ten students that sign-up.
For More Information, please see the flyer below.
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Monday, October 19, 2020
Introducing: Monique Gelineau..Actor, Producer, Teacher, and Volunteer
An actor, producer and helper: Monique Gelineau. Gelineau began her acting career by participating in school productions from elementary school through junior high, subsequently developing her passion of performing. However, Gelineau was torn between whether she wanted to be an actor or singer. After her freshman year at California State University Fullerton, studying in the Musical Theatre program, Gelineau was able to see acting was the passion she wanted to pursue. She began working on developing her craft by joining the Bachelor of Fine Arts for Acting program, which is an extremely selective program to get into. The lessons Gelineau learned from this program, her natural talent and love for acting equipped her to handle multiple roles and learn new stunts, as she did in the play: Metamorphoses. Gelineau played Midas’ daughter, the messenger God Iris, Hunger and Myrah, in addition to sliding down a twenty foot fireman pole, disappearing into a pool of water-- which had a trapdoor beneath it, and learning aerial arts. Even though the play required many aspects, ones which she probably had not practiced being that she was a college student at the time, Gelineau kept a positive attitude, enjoying every moment and seizing the lessons from this opportunity. “Physically, emotionally, and creatively it was an incredible experience that really challenged me in the best ways possible,” exclaimed Gelineau.
Besides being a talented actor on the rise, Gelineau has also dipped her feet into producing. Gelineau foresaw the benefits of this field leading her to gladly take up this position. “Creating your own work is the very best way to keep working, meeting new people and having something to talk about when meeting industry professionals,” Gelineau stated. Gelineau was able to prosper while holding multiple roles by creating a system: “ I try to keep my life very organized, and thrive with Google Spreadsheets.” In addition to leading an organized life, Gelineau is able to connect talented and devoted people in front, and behind, the camera with producing. She aspires for acting and producing to be her only jobs. As of now, acting and producing takes up much of her day, but Gelineau still works as a TV production assistant for Notre Dame High School.
Even with her numerous acting and producing roles Gelineau devotes her free time to contributing her knowledge, on the media industry, with the young actors, directors, and producers of the Barbara Senior Harkins Foundation. She first heard about the foundation through our very own, Elisia Harkins-James while working as a TV production assistant. Gelineau loved working with Harkins-James and saw how the foundation truly benefited others. “She’s just someone you always want to work with; incredibly smart, talented, kind, and supportive, and I love how well she is able to reach out to students across the nation and the world,” exclaimed Gelineau. She officially began her work with the foundation in 2019, working as a guest speaker for workshops about producing, in addition to assisting in the live webinars. Gelineau plans to continue working with the foundation, viewing it as an honor, and is dedicated to partaking in any form the foundation needs. Her persistent work with the foundation has caused her to gain many fond memories, her favorite being a virtual producing seminar she spoke at. “During the summer, and during a pandemic, young filmmakers signed up and showed up to further their knowledge and careers! That kind of passion and dedication from the young generation of filmmakers coming in is truly inspiring,” stated Gelineau.
Beyond gaining memories that will stick with her for a lifetime, Gelineau also was able to witness how her work and the work of the program has benefited young film students. “These participants really feel connected to the world of this industry, fueling their fire, and making their filmmaking dreams seem all that much more attainable,” expressed Gelineau. Subsequently, Gelineau also witnessed her own development in terms of her communication skills and source of creativity. “I am able to hop on virtual calls with other filmmaker guest speakers and learn from them as well, in addition to the inspiration I feel from the young filmmakers who participate in the foundation,” said Gelineau.
Monique Gelineau is a gifted and accomplished actor and producer, and through her work with the Barbara Senior Harkins Foundation, Gelineau has become a talented teacher and mentor to many young film students. Her time spent in the foundation has and continues to be appreciated. I’m sure the film/media industry appreciates her part in developing the future directors, producers, and screenwriters of the entertainment we will be enjoying.
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Monday, October 12, 2020
Halloween Film Screening and Costume Party!!!!!
This film is about: A man and his estranged daughter and other passengers who become trapped on a speeding train during a zombie outbreak. Prizes will be given out to the Best Costume, Movie Trivia, and Film Screening Trivia.
To Register visit:
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Break With A Pro: Film Workshops Are Back!!!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Spotlight on our Volunteer: April Townsel
April is one of our foundation's "Amazing," Volunteers. She is responsible for our Twitter Feed and Updates. Hana Tariku (Our Blog Volunteer) had the opportunity to interview April:
Our next featured volunteer is: April Townsel. Townsel joins the foundation from Detroit, Michigan, and is currently attending Colorado Technical University through online courses. She has worked with the Barbra Senior Harkins Foundation since October 2018, volunteering in the social media section. Townsel learned about this program through an online ad on Indeed. She gladly accepted the position when the foundation selected her application from many others. Townsel’s job duties as a volunteer consists of helping with the Social Media Marketing and Management of the Twitter Platform. Her hard work helps further the foundation's mission of providing inner city youth with various activities and programs, such as film camp. Townsel has seen how this program impacts children of all ages. “Yes, it seems like the children have a joyful experience, with the foundation,” exclaims Townsel. She enjoys the experience and the opportunities she has received from this volunteership and does not plan to leave yet. Townsel states,“I will be with the Barbara Seniors Harkins Foundation for a while. I really like what I do, when it comes to helping the foundation move towards great things.” She would like to further her reach in this program as she expands her knowledge and skills in social media marketing and management. “I would like to have an opportunity for a Social Media Marketing Internship if that's possible. Until then, I will continue enjoying my current position,” says Townsel. Townsel’s diligent work not only benefits the Foundation, but also herself. She is gaining a better understanding of the career she plans to pursue. The career being, social media. Townsel would like to build on that, by owning her own social media marketing business. This mindset to continue to strive to do better is the same energy she brings to the Foundation. This volunteership has helped her in taking another step closer to her aspirations. And has further developed her will to help others with their businesses. Townsel states, “Yes, I have evolved when it comes down to helping others with the brand of their businesses.” Hopefully, one day Townsel will receive help in the branding of her future business, as she has assisted many before.
Finishing this getting to know April post on a light hearted note, here are some quick fun facts about her interests:
Favorite movie: Love Jones
Favorite actor: Laz Alonso
Favorite genre for movies/shows: Good Times
Monday, September 7, 2020
Fall Film Review: Perks of a Wallflower.
Looking for a Fall Pick-Me Up type film? You should checkout the film, “Perks of a Wallflower.” Our very own Hana Tariku (We love you Hana), did a review on the film.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Finding Yourself Through Others
Stephen Chbosky’s film, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, is a scrupulous depiction of what high school is like for those who are finding themselves. Through the film, viewers saw the true perks of being a wallflower. The main perk being able to find yourself through another. And while the book is amazing and describes the struggle that many young adults face when reaching a transitioning point in life. It was not able to include the raw emotions portrayed by Sam (Emma Watson), Patrick (Ezra Miller) and Charlie (Logan Lerman). In exchange for those touching scenes, fans had to give up parts of the book that were not as emphasized. Such as Charlie’s sister, Candance (Nina Dobrev), struggling to understand that she deserves better than her abusive boyfriend. Even so, this coming of age film showcased to watchers that even a kid on the outside can find their place. And that sometimes being the wallflower, can help you better understand yourself.
One key aspect that is discussed is, who is the wallflower? In the book, it would be a safe assumption to say it is Charlie. But, the movie tells a different tale. The role of the wallflower is shared amongst the majority of the characters. Each took some time away from the group. Or, they were not as active. In that time they were able to observe others and reflect upon themselves. Amazing revelations emerged from that. Which viewers see through Sam, Patrick and even Mary Elizabeth. Charlie was not mentioned because that year of revelations was for him to become less of a wallflower and more of an active person. Charlie already understood how to find himself by being on the outside, that’s how he got to this point. Yet, he did not know how to find himself through participation. That was a problem outlined in the book and the movie. Chboksy showcased Charlie’s advancement with this, through his “one on one” scenes. Some of this growth can be credited to his friends’ close eyes on him. Charlie was no longer able to slip away or hang out by the walls, where he would be forgotten. He was now placed in intimate settings with likewise conversations. He now had to share his thoughts with another. For instance, when Charlie spent time with Mary Elizabeth. He began to float back to a different time that he was not able to, on his own. It was through this that Charlie was able to live the trauma of his aunt for the last time and now begin to work through it.

There were many more breakthroughs that Charlie experienced, but none were like Sam’s. Emma Watson's portrayal of Sam is notable on its own. Viewers saw how Hermione, from her Harry Potter days, finally blossomed into this amazing actor and person. In her previous films she would always play the role of the character to the hilt. But in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, it is clear how Emma is finally putting her own touch into her work. I don’t believe there is anyone that could have played this role better. Sam struggled with giving too much of herself to everyone and receiving too little in return. This starts from her freshman year when she made a bad reputation for herself at parties. To her senior year when her boyfriend, who she adored, was cheating on her. She gave it her all, but it was never enough. If Chbosky realized this, and casted Emma because of her similar experiences, then this must be one of the greatest castings.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a timeless film. The exclusion of issues that only relate to a certain time was a flawless idea. And one that will have viewers watching this twenty years in the future and calling it a classic.
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Foundation’s Summer 2020 Newsletter
This summer the foundation was very busy with lots of summer programs plus our Essay Contest and our first every, “Lockdown” Scriptwriting Contest!!!
Sunday, August 30, 2020
September Film Screening: Song of the Sea!!!!!!
Join us on Saturday, September 5, 2020 for our Film Screening of, "Song of The Sea." This film is about: An Irish youth discovers that his mute sister is a selkie who must find her voice and free supernatural creatures from the spell of a Celtic goddess.. You don’t want to miss it!!!!! To sign-up:
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Back To School Film Screening: A SUCCESS!!!!!!!
The Foundation invite kids from all around the world to join in fun last Saturday, by attending their Back to School Screening of the film, “Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library.” The film was based on the book, by author, Chris Grabenstein. The film was about, what happens when 12 lucky kids win an invitation into legendary game maker Lemoncello's library. The kids then go on a scavenger hunt, to find their way out.
Mr. Scott Mcaboy - Director
Mr. Paul Edward-Francis- Music Composer
Mr. Ty Consiglio - Actor
Mr. AJ Rivera- Actor
Mr. McAboy spoke to young filmmakers about all of the fun he had making the film and working with the children that were involved with it. Actor AJ Rivera told the young filmmakers that if you really want to do something , then you have to work very hard to make it happen.
According to volunteer, Joshua James, “This film screening was a lot of fun, and the kids really seemed to enjoy it along with the Q&A, that followed.”
The foundation’s next Film Screening will be: Saturday, September 5, 2020 and young filmmakers will be screening the film, “ Flavors of our Youth.”
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Interview With Film Camp Participant: Erin Vogt
During Film Camp This Summer we were able to have youth from all over the world, including England! Checkout this “Amazing interview that our volunteer, Hana Tariku did with one of our young filmmaker, Erin Vogt.
By: Hana Tairku
Youthtubenews I’d like to present to you, Erin Vogt. This seventeen year old, Kendal College student is one of the bright campers in our very own film camp. Erin joined us this year all the way from England.
Although, she does have different living arrangements in mind. In five years time, Erin hopes to be living in Los Angeles, California. Where she will be studying a Masters in her chosen Specialism. Erin is keeping an open mind and currently does not have a specific school that she wants to attend. But, she still has an idea of what she would like to study. Animation and/or Film Production is at the top of her list.
Erin plans on taking what she will learn from these courses and applying it in careers such as: animation, editing and/or visual effects. You may be wondering how a student from England figured out about Youthtubenews.
Erin became familiar with this program from a film company, by the name of Signal Film and Media. It resides in Barrow, England. At the time, Erin was already enrolled in one of their programs. That's when her great work caught the attention of their program leaders. And then led them to recommend her to our Foundations’ Summer Film Camp. The outcome of this recommendation caused everyone to walk away happy.
Our Foundation gained another brilliant and talented student that had much to offer our Film Camp. Erin has also benefited from this program, she states, “I have made lots of industry connections, gained advice from inside the industry and met some awesome filmmakers.” This is why Erin recommends this program to anyone looking into it. Or to those who have an interest in film careers and want help shaping or developing any ideas. This program itself helped Erin advance her own interests. Vogt explains, “It’s helped me realize what I want to specialize in.” This film camp was a needed win for Erin with all the sorrow and isolation due to Covid-19. Through this program, Erin was able to communicate, brainstorm and construct new ideas with fellow campers. And any thoughts of her future film career falling apart because of the virus, were soon forgotten. There were many highlights from this program, but Erin’s main one had to do with what this whole camp is about. Vogt exclaims, “My favorite part is being able to meet new people, and hopefully having the opportunity to bring my film to life after lockdown!” Film Camp is about bringing people together, furthering their interests and helping them reach their goals. We see that Erin understands this, from her statement. Exceptional students such as Erin Vogt, compromise our film camps and we will continue to add to this growing community.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Lockdown Scriptwriters Winners Announced!!!!!
Four talented students from across the country have won the 2020 Lockdown Screenplay Contest: Maria Hoffman from Redondo Union High School in California, Airis Aaron from Hume-Fogg Academic Magnet School in Tennessee, Ryan Sanford from Notre Dame High School in Arizona and Victoria Barone from Pacifica Christian High School in California. The contest was put on by the Dr. Barbara Seniors Harkins Foundation, a non-profit established to motivate children to pursue education beyond high school.
Hoffman cinched the first-place spot with her script entitled “Dinner for One.” For the screenplay titled “The Mirror,” Airis was awarded second place. Sanford and Barone tied for third place with their respective works, “Joshua Tree” and “The Runaways.”
“The scripts we received in this contest reflected a very talented group of teenagers,” explained Leon Anderson, one of the contest judges. “It truly was a difficult deliberation choosing the winners. These four students should be very proud of themselves and their outstanding work. They clearly have bright futures ahead of them.”
The Lockdown Screenplay Contest was open to teens around the country ages 11 to 17. The four winners chosen this year will have the opportunity to have their screenplay produced by fellow teens during the Barbara Seniors Harkins Foundation’s Fall Filmmaking Program. Pictured are Winners: Airis Aaron, Ryan Sanford, and Victoria Barone.
Back To School Film Screening: Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library
We are BACK!!!!!!! With our Back to School Screening of, “Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library.” You are invited to attend our Netflix Screening Party, on Saturday, August 22, 2020 from 1:00pm-4:00pm (PT)/4:00pm-7:00pm(EST).
Again, we want to allow you the opportunity to have fun, laugh, enjoy a film, and win trivia prizes based on the film!!!!!! Special Guest from The Film Include: Actors from the film.
For more information, please see the flyer below in this email: To register: Please visit:
Sunday, July 26, 2020
2019-2020 Middle School Essay Winners
Friday, July 24, 2020
A Twenty First Century Protest: A Personal Experience